Our Six Core Values
ABARTA’s unique personality and culture has evolved from the six core values we live by. They define us. They create the norms by which we behave. It is the combination of these core values that distinguishes ABARTA from any other company.
Integrity in All Matters
Our strategic policy on integrity states, “We will be reliable, honest and honorable; people we deal with may count on our word being good and our commitments being met.”
Integrity helps build trust, and trust is important for a healthy enterprise. If we must sacrifice our integrity to be successful in a business, it is a business we do not want to be in.
Respect for People
Respect for all of our constituents-employees, customers, suppliers, partners, owners, or the communities in which we operate-is a key core value of ABARTA. We have more strategic policies related to the importance of people in our business than any other core value. They include policies on “Customers,” “Trust,” “Individual and Organization Growth,” “Hard Head, Soft Heart,” “Constituents,” and “Open Communication.”
Contributing to the Success of Our Customers
Contributing to the success of our customers ultimately is what business is all about. Our strategic policy on customers expresses this core value: “Customers are the reason we do what we do. They define our purpose. Customer attitudes toward us will determine the level of our success.” Our customers must perceive and appreciate the value we deliver for them.
Risk-Taking, Innovation and Learning
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Progress in business, as in life, is achieved by taking calculated risks, trying new things, and learning from mistakes. This value is a cornerstone of our approach to business. Strategic policies on “Entrepreneurship,” “Risk-Taking, and “Continuous Improvement” reinforce this value.
Long-Term Perspective
Because we are privately held, ABARTA’s owning families can think in terms of generations-not just quarter-to-quarter. This means ABARTA can apply the principles of patient capital to building long-term value. In other words, we value striking an appropriate balance between our desire to achieve near-term objectives with our goal of having a growing, healthy enterprise long-term. Strategic policies on “Growing, Prosperous Enterprise,” “Long-Term Market Position,” and “Enduring Relationships” all relate to this core value.
Commitment to Safe Living
We take the welfare of our employees very seriously – at work, at home, and on the road. We are committed to safe living through effective occupational and personal safety programs, wellness initiatives, and continuous management and workforce engagement. Safety is as important as productivity.